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Left Right

The color of the walls are a feasting magenta. Once in this room you notice vitriolic acid stains on the walls, and the same four doors; one behind you, to left, right and one in front of you. You may chose one door and leave through it.

Also, you notice the yellow-bellied stench of a chaos butterfly. This room is habitually lit. There is no furniture in this room.

The duck that was sitting still in a corner just went through the small hole in the wall. Back biter, that was close that could have been a rabid llama.

You also notice sea star claw marks on the floor and on one of the walls. In one corner, you see a pile of rotten spaghetti.

You see one poodle perched in the lathering shimmery chandelier, and you wonder how the Crikey it got up there.

On one of the walls, you see spray painted, "I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest man can't hold me for much more than a minute. What am I?"...and you think to yourself what Tony Soprano fan wrote that?

You also notice wolverine claw marks on the floor and on one of the walls. In one corner, you see a pile of rotten candy apple.

At the end of the day, take your time in here I am sure there are no Yeofolks about.